
How to make house building materials strong and not easily cracked

To make house building materials strong and not easily cracked, there are several things that need to be considered. First, make sure the foundation of the house is built strong and stable to prevent shifting that can cause cracks in the wall. In addition, use high-quality building materials so that the walls have good resistance to pressure and weather changes. The calculation of the mixture of building materials must also be precise because if done carelessly, the walls will crack easily. When making a plaster mixture, pay attention to the MIL limits and the proportion of additional materials so that the plaster does not crack. In addition, choosing the right building materials and good quality bricks is also important to prevent wall cracks.

How to ensure that the foundation of the house is built strong and stable?

To ensure that the foundation of the house is built strong and stable, it is important to pay attention to several things. First, make sure the foundation of the house is built strong and stable to avoid shifting that can cause cracks in the wall. In addition, use high-quality building materials so that the walls have good resistance to pressure and weather changes. The calculation of the mixture of building materials must also be precise because if done carelessly, the walls will crack easily. When making a plaster mixture, pay attention to the MIL limits and the proportion of additional materials so that the plaster does not crack. Choosing the right building materials and good quality bricks is also important to prevent wall cracks. In addition, before installing the foundation, it is better to first determine the size and shape of the floor plan that will be installed with the foundation. By understanding the details of shallow foundations and how to calculate them, engineers can design and build strong and reliable foundations, ensuring a long and safe building life.

Why is the use of high-quality building materials important for wall durability?

The use of high-quality building materials is very important for wall durability because it can prevent cracks due to various factors such as building age, humidity, land subsidence, earthquakes, and vibrations. Walls built with high-quality materials have a better ability to withstand pressure and weather changes. In addition, quality building materials also ensure the right mixture of building materials, so that the walls are not easily cracked. The use of poor-quality materials can cause the adhesive not to stick properly and the composition of the finished material becomes unbalanced, which causes the wall to become brittle and prone to cracking.

What should be considered in calculating the mixture of building materials so that walls do not crack easily?

To prevent walls from cracking easily, pay attention to several important things in calculating the mixture of building materials. Make sure the foundation of the house is strong and stable to prevent shifting that can cause cracks. Use high-quality building materials so that the walls have good resistance to pressure and weather changes. The calculation of the mixture of building materials must be precise so that the walls do not crack easily. When making a plaster mixture, pay attention to the MIL limits and the proportion of additional materials to prevent cracks. Choose the appropriate building materials and ensure good quality bricks. One important technique is to do the plastering at least 2 to 3 weeks after plastering the walls, both inside and out, to prevent cracks. Make sure to follow the correct ratio of materials, the right mixing technique, and the use of appropriate additional materials to create a strong and durable plaster mixture.

How to make a plaster mixture that does not crack by paying attention to the MIL limits and the proportion of additional materials?

To make a plaster mixture that does not crack, you need to pay attention to several things. First, make sure the cement powder is put in sufficient quantities into a small bucket and add enough water until the mixture turns into a paste. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the correct ratio of ingredients, the right mixing technique, and the use of appropriate additional materials such as a mixture of limestone (MIL) so that the plaster mixture becomes strong and durable. Make sure not to use excessive MIL measurements because it can cause the plaster to peel or bubble. In addition, coat the wall with cement plaster so that it does not crack and the wall surface becomes smoother. Use a mixture of water and cement with the right ratio so that the plaster is not too solid or liquid when applied. By paying attention to this, you can create a strong and crack-free plaster mixture.

How to build a sturdy and strong house

To build a sturdy and strong house, an important step that needs to be taken is to build a solid foundation. Making a strong and sturdy house foundation can be done with various techniques and the right materials. Some recommended foundation techniques include using river stones, concrete systems, and installing plastic. In addition, choosing hard soil, planting the foundation properly, using tie beams, and continuous construction are also very important in ensuring the strength of the foundation and the entire building. Symmetrical floor plans can also help increase the building's resistance to earthquakes.

How to build a solid house foundation?

To build a solid house foundation, important steps that need to be taken include paying attention to the depth of the foundation excavation, ensuring the bearing capacity of the soil, planting earthquake-resistant foundations to a sufficient depth, linking the foundation, sloof, and columns, and using the type of house foundation. In addition, choosing the right material such as reinforced concrete is also very important in building a strong house foundation. Various types of house foundations that can be used include river stone, footings, chicken claws, concrete, wells, and bored pie foundations. The foundation is the most important element in a building because it functions to support the load of the structure above it, so choosing the best house foundation is crucial for the sustainability and durability of the building.

What are the techniques for making a strong house foundation?

Some techniques for making a strong house foundation include using river stones bonded with cement, a reinforced concrete system with a mixture of cement, gravel, and sand, and a foundation with river stone masonry to support the large building load. The construction of a solid house foundation can be done with an installation technique that refers to the bowpank point that has been made. In soft soil conditions, continuous foundations can be made from reinforced concrete construction in the form of elongated sloof beams. In addition, symmetrical floor plans and the selection of hard soil are also important to increase the building's resistance to earthquakes.

Why is choosing hard soil important in foundation construction?

Choosing hard soil is important in foundation construction because hard soil has good strength so that it supports the foundation to support the building load effectively. Hard soil can minimize the risk of non-uniform subsidence and ensure that the building foundation remains strong and stable in the long term. By choosing hard soil, the foundation can be placed more precisely and does not require a foundation structure that is too deep, reducing construction costs and time. In addition, hard soil is also able to withstand the pressure of building loads well, thus ensuring the safety and resistance of buildings to earthquakes or difficult environmental conditions.

Why is proper foundation planting a key factor in building strength?

Proper foundation planting is a key factor in building strength because the foundation plays a role in transferring the load from the building structure to the soil below it safely and efficiently. With the right foundation techniques, such as using high-quality concrete and strong steel reinforcement, the foundation is able to withstand the building load well, preventing unwanted movement, cracks, and even collapse. In addition, the dimensions of the foundation including the thickness, width, length, and depth of foundation planting are also very important to maintain the stability and strength of the building structure. A deep understanding of soil properties, structural loads, and the principles of soil mechanics are needed in the planning and calculation of foundations so that they can withstand structural loads well and avoid dangerous subsidence or collapse.

How can the use of tie beams affect the strength of a house foundation?

The use of tie beams in the construction of house foundations plays an important role in increasing the safety and strength of the foundation. Tie beams, such as concrete sloofs, are used to distribute the building load evenly to the foundation, thus ensuring good load distribution. In addition, tie beams also help prevent sliding or collapse of the sloof, thus strengthening the overall building structure. Cutting the foundation construction process or using inappropriate materials can result in the foundation becoming unstable, therefore, the use of tie beams is essential to ensure the stability and safety of the building structure. Thus, the selection of the right materials and construction techniques, including the use of tie beams, will contribute greatly to ensuring the strength and durability of the house foundation.

How to install light steel so that it is strong enough to be installed on the roof of the house

Installing lightweight steel is an important step in building a strong and long-lasting house roof. Light steel is a light material but has excellent strength, so it is very suitable for use as a roof structure. In this article, we will discuss in detail how to install light steel so that it is installed firmly on the roof of the house.

The first step that needs to be taken before installing light steel is to carry out careful planning. Make sure that the roof design complies with safe and strong construction standards. Also take into account the roof load, wind direction and weather conditions at the location of your house.

After planning is complete, the next step is preparing materials and equipment. Make sure you have high-quality mild steel, binding iron, gauge, hacksaw, drill, hammer, and other necessary tools. Also make sure to wear personal protection such as a helmet and gloves.

Then, start by cleaning the light steel installation area from dust and dirt so that it doesn't interfere with the installation process. Also make sure that the roof structure is ready to accept light steel loads.

Next, install the light steel correctly according to the design you have made. Make sure each light steel connection is installed firmly and neatly. Use quality binding iron to ensure the strength of the connection.

After the light steel is installed properly, make sure to re-check all the joints and the roof structure as a whole. Make sure there are no loose or poorly installed parts.

Finally, finish with painting or anti-rust coating to protect the mild steel from corrosion and extend its life. By carrying out these steps carefully and carefully, you can ensure that the lightweight steel is installed firmly and safely on the roof of your house.

Thus, installing light steel that is strong and durable requires careful planning, careful preparation, correct installation, and regular maintenance. By following the steps above, you can have a sturdy and long-lasting roof.

How to make multi-storey buildings sturdy and not easily collapse

Multi-storey buildings are an important part of urban development. However, the issue of safety and durability of multi-storey buildings is often a major concern. To ensure the sturdiness and safety of multi-storey buildings, there are several steps that can be taken.

1. Selection of High Quality Materials

One of the keys to the strength of multi-storey buildings is the selection of high quality materials. Make sure the materials used have recognized certification and safety standards.

2. Careful structural planning

A mature building structural design will provide a strong foundation for the sturdiness of a multi-storey building. Involving structural experts in planning is an important step to ensure the reliability of the building structure.

3. Application of Modern Construction Technology

Modern construction technology can help improve the safety of high-rise buildings. The use of advanced technology in the construction process can minimize the risk of structural failure.

4. Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is key to ensuring the long-term stability of multi-storey buildings. Regularly check the condition of structures, materials and other supporting systems to detect potential problems early.

5. Building Use Regulations

Arranging building use according to its capacity and initial purpose is also important. Overloading a building with a load that exceeds its capacity can threaten the stability of the structure.

By paying attention to the steps above, it is hoped that multi-storey buildings can remain sturdy and safe to use for a long period of time. Concern for building safety is not only the responsibility of the developer, but also of all stakeholders involved in the development process.

Comparison of the Strength of Buildings Past and Present


Buildings are a reflection of the technological and cultural development of a civilization. From ancient buildings to the present, we can see how humans continue to look for ways to make structures stronger, more durable, and more functional. This article will discuss the comparison of the strength of buildings past and present.

Old Time Buildings

Buildings in the past, such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Roman Colosseum, or temples in Indonesia, were often built with natural materials such as stone, clay, or wood. Their construction methods usually involve human hands and simple tools, and are often built with a purpose more spiritual or symbolic than functional.

The strength of ancient buildings lies in the natural materials they used, which were often very durable. For example, stone can last for thousands of years, and some ancient structures built from stone still stand today. However, ancient buildings are usually less flexible and resistant to earthquakes or other natural disasters.

Current Building

Modern buildings are built with synthetic materials such as concrete, steel, and glass, and more sophisticated construction technology. Modern construction methods involve the use of machines and heavy equipment, and buildings are usually designed with a functional purpose in mind, such as to house people or goods.

The strength of modern buildings lies in the technology and construction techniques they use. For example, techniques such as steel frames or reinforced concrete can make buildings stronger and more resistant to earthquakes. Modern buildings are also designed to withstand various weather and environmental conditions, such as strong winds or flooding.


So, how does the strength of past and present buildings compare? In general, modern buildings are stronger and more durable than ancient buildings. They use stronger materials, more advanced construction technology, and are designed to withstand a wide range of weather and environmental conditions. However, some ancient buildings still stand today, demonstrating their own strength and durability.


Both past and present buildings have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Although modern technology and construction techniques have allowed us to create stronger and more durable buildings, ancient buildings also had their own strength and durability. By understanding these comparisons, we can learn from the past and continue to develop better technologies and construction methods for the future.

The role of architecture in creating unique and strong skyscrapers

Architecture plays a very important role in creating unique and powerful skyscrapers. Some of the roles of architecture in achieving this are as follows:

1. Aesthetic Design: Architects are responsible for creating aesthetic and visually appealing designs. They use design principles such as proportion, symmetry, lighting, and unique architectural elements to create stunning visual appearances in skyscrapers.

2. Structural Analysis: Architects work closely with structural engineers to analyze and design strong and durable building structures. They consider the loads, forces and pressures exerted on the building, and select appropriate materials to achieve the required strength.

3. Material Selection: Architects play a role in choosing the right materials for skyscraper buildings. They consider material properties and characteristics such as strength, stability, durability, and visual appearance. Choosing the right material can increase the uniqueness and strength of the building.

4. Spatial Planning: Architects design the internal and external layout of a skyscraper. They consider the function and needs of building users, and create efficient and functional spaces. Good spatial planning can also influence the stability and load distribution in the building.

5. Sustainability: Architects also play a role in considering the sustainability of skyscraper buildings. They use environmentally friendly designs, such as the use of renewable energy, efficient water management, and recycled materials to create environmentally friendly and sustainable buildings.

With a holistic and integrated architectural role, skyscrapers can achieve a good balance between design uniqueness, structural strength and sustainability. Architecture plays an important role in creating iconic and safe landmarks for cities around the world.

The Greatness of Engineering Science and the Reasons for the Success of Skyscraper Buildings


In the last few decades, the world has witnessed the emergence of some amazing skyscrapers. From the Burj Khalifa in Dubai to the Shanghai Tower in China, modern architecture is not only an artistic statement, but also shows the development of technology and engineering science. Along with the question of how these tall buildings were built, questions also arise about their structural strength and stability. How could these buildings survive strong winds, earthquakes, and even time itself?

Basics of Civil Engineering

Building a strong and stable skyscraper is not an easy task. This requires a deep understanding of civil engineering science, including structural mechanics, structural dynamics, and materials technology. Architects and civil engineers must work together to create a design that is beautiful and functional, and ensure that the structure is strong and safe.

Materials used

One of the key factors that determines the strength and stability of a skyscraper is the materials used.  Steel is a very strong and durable material, while concrete has very high compressive strength, which makes it ideal for use in vertical structures such as skyscrapers.

Design and Technology

Design and technology also play an important role in shaping the strength and stability of skyscrapers. For example, the design of a steel frame structure allows the load to be distributed evenly throughout the building, thereby preventing certain parts of the building from bearing too much weight. Modern technologies such as base insulation techniques and wind shading are also used to protect buildings from earthquakes and strong winds.

Monitoring and Maintenance

In addition to design and construction, ongoing monitoring and maintenance are also important to maintain the strength and stability of skyscrapers. Regular inspections and building maintenance can help detect and repair damage before it becomes a serious problem.


While it may seem amazing that these tall buildings are able to stand tall and strong, this is actually the result of advanced engineering knowledge, proper material selection, and good construction and maintenance practices. In this way, skyscrapers have become symbols of the success of human technology and our ability to create strong, long-lasting structures.

Individual Characteristics Needed by Developed Countries

Along with the times and technological advances, developed countries' needs for human resources are increasingly growing. Developed countries not only need highly educated individuals, but also need individuals who have certain skills and characteristics that are in line with the challenges and needs of the times. This article will discuss several individual characteristics that are generally required by developed countries.

 Individual Characteristics Needed by Developed Countries

1. Innovative and Creative

Innovation and creativity are two important things needed in today's digital era. Developed countries need individuals who are able to create new and innovative ideas to solve various existing problems and challenges.

2. Smart Technology

In the digital era, the ability to understand and master technology becomes very important. Individuals who are able to adapt and utilize technology in various aspects of life will be greatly needed by developed countries.

3. Multicultural

Developed countries usually have multicultural societies. Therefore, they need individuals who are able to appreciate and work well in diverse environments.

4. Good Communication Skills

Effective communication is the key to success in various aspects of life, including in the world of work. Individuals who have good communication skills are usually able to work well in teams, resolve conflicts, and lead others.

5. Flexible and Adaptable

In an ever-changing world, flexibility and adaptability have become increasingly important. Individuals who are flexible and able to adapt to change will be better able to face various existing challenges and opportunities.

6. Focus on Solutions

Developed countries need individuals who focus on solutions. They must be able to see problems as opportunities to find creative and effective solutions, not as obstacles that hinder progress. Individuals with good problem-solving skills will be very valuable for developed countries.

7. Time Management Skills

In a busy and competitive environment, time management skills become very important. Individuals who are able to manage time well, set priorities, and optimize productivity will be valuable assets for developed countries.

8. Critical Thinking Ability

Developed countries need individuals who have critical thinking skills. They must be able to analyze information carefully, evaluate arguments, and make decisions based on rational and logical thinking.

9. Collaborative Spirit

The ability to work in teams and collaborate with others is becoming important in increasingly complex and connected work environments. Individuals who have a collaborative spirit will be able to contribute to achieving common goals and building good relationships with other people.

 10. High Work Ethics

Developed countries need individuals with high work ethics. They must have integrity, responsibility, and dedication to give their best in their work. A high work ethic will create a professional and productive work environment.


Developed countries need individuals who have special characteristics and skills to face the challenges and needs of the times. Innovation, creativity, technological skills, multiculturalism, communication skills, flexibility, adaptability, solution focus, time management, critical thinking, collaborative spirit, and high work ethic are some of the important characteristics sought by developed countries. By developing these characteristics, individuals can increase their opportunities to contribute and succeed in an increasingly competitive and global environment.